des' safe spot
a page for when i need a place to relax, take a break, or calm down. i will also put in here mental health resources that have helped me in the past. please keep in mind this is for my own personal use but i hope i can also help someone else with these resources i've collected over time.
mental health resources
what to do when feeling suicidal: the next couple of links are articles from always gets me out of a bad over thinking spiral that my brain likes to fixate on during a breakdown
healing after an attempt
coping with depression
interactive flow chart for self care: great for keeping track of simple things during bad days
stuff that calms me
cat purr generator (its like having a cat in your browser!)
customizable background noises: some pre-sets i like: healing water
cat therapy: shows you a random picture of a cat every 4 seconds
either for relaxing or having a giggle