thoughts and practice zone

in my compsci class we've been talking about operators like and, or, and not which helped me out a bit when making my fashion page's javascript! in this case i used the or which is written like this || in JS for an if statement so that the mobile/responsive view of the page could be as neat as possible. honestly it was pretty fun to figure that out and get it working. i really need to look more into what event targets are though.

the javascript for my yukika passport is SOO messy but it does work! i am SURE there's probably a whole other way of doing this but i haven't quite gotten there yet.

figured out how to do a box pop up and a img modal of sorts! i put a class tag on all that imgs where if you click them then i take the src and alt text into the img modal. you can check it out on the scans page of my siinamota fansite. i also use a similar thing for the imgs on my microblog but with a different method.

also learning how to use this bit of code with the examples mentioned above
i = 0; i < example.length; i++

hi this is inside a box!

this is a link. this is bolded. this is italics. this is highlighted

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note: i am still wrapping my head around the difference between == and === when i used it for a toggle like this. but i'm starting to understand some stuff!!!

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i learned how to change things with a button

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