this is the site related things tab

  • site + tools info
  • sitemap
  • to-do's - i've moved this to github issues since it's easier for me to keep track of and update!
  • graphics collection
  • the archives. its dusty in here.

    some links within these pages might be broken!

  • past homepages
  • page layouts
  • past updates
  • archived pages
  • things i make that is free to use! hoping to add more stuff here in the future!

    note: please do not hotlink! download them and save them to your own server. i change things around frequently too so it might break lol

  • templates
  • site materials
  • stamps
  • website related tutorials and guides i make!

    des' notebook

    welcome to my little resource notebook! :3

    in this page you'll find a variety of things i have saved for my own reference, but maybe they might be helpful (or at least interesting) for you too!

    i also have things related to the making of this website here!

    click on the tabs to navigate it


  • upper corner stationary pixel by king-lulu-deer
  • notebook, paper stars, and pencil case pixels by bitmapdreams
  • bullet point imgs used in these pages by
  • handwritten font by sozaiya405
  • notebook holographic cover img by miodrag kitanović on pexels