F2U notebook template

by doqmeat / download / github source

credit is not required but a link back to my website is very appreciated!

you can have up to 8 tabs (or more if you're experienced with coding) in the page! but you can easily remove them if it isn't needed

heavily encouraged to edit and customize to your liking :) there's comments in the code with pointers and resources to help out if needed! if there's any questions feel free to send them my way

tested on both firefox and chrome

not compatible with mobile

Mouser turkish angora siberian mouser. Puma kitty, cornish rex so panther. Donskoy burmese bengal malkin panther. Savannah tiger havana brown yet bobcat norwegian forest. Ocicat singapura yet sphynx, but devonshire rex tomcat. Norwegian forest balinese grimalkin mouser. Munchkin bengal, but bengal american shorthair. Burmese maine coon malkin or cornish rex or birman but maine coon, but birman. Panther puma thai.

Mouser turkish angora siberian mouser. Puma kitty, cornish rex so panther. Donskoy burmese bengal malkin panther. Savannah devonshire rex yet egyptian mau norwegian forest singapura yet lion but ragdoll. American shorthair ragdoll so tom so persian ocicat and puma for mouser. Scottish fold norwegian forest. Savannah tiger havana brown yet bobcat norwegian forest. Ocicat singapura yet sphynx, but devonshire rex tomcat. Norwegian forest balinese grimalkin mouser. Munchkin bengal, but bengal american shorthair. Burmese maine coon malkin or cornish rex or birman but maine coon, but birman. Panther puma thai.