september 2023 listening log

table of contents

  • corridor - balloon
  • softscars - yeule
  • 『オカワリヲドーゾ』 - UROMT
  • loossemble - loossemble
  • resistance & the blessing - world's end girlfriend
  • 放課後の芸術部 - kinoue64
  • internet yamero - aiobahn
  • inferno - yeule
  • post: untitled
  • looking forward to:

  • resistance & the blessing - world's end girlfriend
  • loossemble's self titled EP
  • softscars - yeule
  • highlighted videos

    bg from UROMT's 『オカワリヲドーゾ』 PV. art by HuMuu

    corridor - balloon

    type: album

    genres: indie rock

    date released: 12 august 2017

    recently i wrote a blog post about my introduction to vocaloid and a song from this album called charles was featured in it! i love the energy of the song a lot which is why is has remained one of my vocaloid favorites to this day

    i've had this album on my to-listen list for so long!!!!!! i was finally able to play it while i was stuck in traffic. honestly, i had a great time listening to this on my car, and again relistening to it at the comfort of my home

    it is mostly comprised of songs featuring my fav vocaloid: flower!!! and it also has a bit of miku, but just in two songs. i'm not sure what this album exactly has, but it makes me feel a bit melancholic despite the energetic rock sound you hear throughout the release. though this album is not exactly entirely rock! it also has a bit of electronic touches here and there that make it sound very fresh to me

    their voice on the self covers is also just very pleasant to hear!!!! honestly i love hearing self covers and how different the producer's voice and feel sounds from the vocaloid's. i find it very neat.

    overall, i found it a very pleasant listen. if you're into rock and vocaloid definitely give this one a try! a hidden gem from this would be redire. i found that song to be so so so lovely!!! i found it so calming and i just love how it feels to listen to it.

    highlights: charles, redire, rain and petora, anthocyan


    listened on 28.sep.23, published 01.oct.23

    softscars - yeule

    type: album

    genres: dreampop, indie rock

    date released: 22 september 2023


    i have been anticipating this album for so long since i've been tuning in to the pre-released singles since day one!!!! i wish i was one of those ppl who avoid singles til album day. but given my excitement towards new music releases, i never manage it to pull it off

    if you asked me some of my favorite artists, i would definitely mention yeule's name. i listened to their serotonin II album last year and it just left such an impression on me. like it just gets me! since that moment i went through their entire discography. i managed to stumble upon pieces that felt similar to that moment. but this album? this is definitely the closest to that feeling i got with serotonin

    full of loud noises and yet soft dreamscapes, this is so so beautiful. i have highlights from both sides of the album. for the softer songs, i was enamored by the gorgeous piano interlude that is fish in the pool. and yet i have found myself replaying dazies the most shoegaze-y song from this release over and over again since it's pre-release as a single. and even the album opener, x w x, is one hell of a ride for just being the intro!!!!! their screams!!! the energy!!!!!!! and even the strings?!? i love it a lot and it's something that caught me by surprise.

    honestly this album just has everything that i love from yeule. i am so happy with it

    i hope i can buy the CD someday.... it is currently sold out on bandcamp :(((

    highlights: dazies, fish in the pool, x w x, software update, inferno, bloodbunny, aphex twin flame, sulky baby


    listened on 23.sep.23, published 01.oct.23

    『オカワリヲドーゾ』 - UROMT

    type: cover

    genres: j-rock

    date released: 20 august 2023

    i recently found out about this duo through their cover of 少女A by siinamota. i really like both of their voices but i never really bothered to look more into them D:

    BUT THAT HAS CHANGED since then because i also found out they did another siinamota cover recently! this one is from highcolor_sunz which is from one of siinamota's side projects

    and again, i just love their voices and covers a lot.... i'm not exactly sure what it is that attracts me to them besides that i just think they sound very very nice. i've never been much of a person to listen to covers of songs i already know and love. but i've been really enjoying their covers lately. hopefully i'll dive more into each of their works one day!


    listened on 24.sep.23, published 26.sep.23

    loossemble - loossemble

    type: EP

    genres: kpop, dancepop

    date released: 15 september 2023

    you guys... okay let me start this with me saying that this group has my favorite loona members when it comes to their vocals.
    all of the girls here have such a distint voice among them, it is very easy for me to distinguish them from one another. and as i've mentioned, i just LOVE their voices so much!!!

    and i am so happy they are all in their own little group now because most of them you barely even heard them sing AT ALL when they were in loona because of the line distributions. and it always pissed me off so much because all i wanted to do is hear vivi or gowon sing but NO. bbc also hated me a lot too...

    so yes!!! it is safe to say that i was Very but VERY excited for this to drop. and it did! and.......

    from first listen, i did enjoy the EP, but man? hmm.
    maybe this is just me being picky LOL but while i LOVED hearing my girls singing, the songs itself did not do much to me if i am being honest.

    i think its just okay! an okay release. as i'm listening to it again for the 10th time so i can write this, i def say that i enjoy it a bit more now compared to my first listen. but still. i really don't think much of these songs except that they are Just Nice.

    it's an enjoyable listen but i feel like nothing Really got to me as i was expecting it to be... you know what? maybe that's on me

    the title track while def very catchy, i actually prefer some of the bsides on here over it such as newtopia and coloring

    highlights: newtopia, coloring


    listened on 15.sep.23, published 26.sep.23

    resistance & the blessing - world's end girlfriend

    type: album

    genres: post rock, modern classical, experimental rock

    date released: 9 september 2023

    this was super super cool. i really like albums like these. i really enjoyed the songs that were actual songs. i can appreciate the interludes for what they are but Some of them felt a bit... unnecesary? hmm idk i just wasn't feeling most of them

    i would love to revisit this album with eng translations of what the interludes are saying though. im very curious at to what they are saying!!! i feel like i am missing parts of the story that this album is trying to tell me. but for what it is i do appreciate it nonetheless.

    out of all of the songs here i think my fav might be IN THE NAME OF LOVE. i love the tiny sec miku was used in this this.

    and i DIDNT KNOW world's end girlfriend had done a song with miku before ?!?!?!?! so hearing RENDERING THE TWO SOULS was kinda my jaw drop moment cus i didnt expect miku to appear here. i initially thought the tiny sec of miku in the earlier song was me going crazy or something

    i listened to MEGURI earlier this july and WOW. that song is still breathtaking. another highlight of this release.

    overall it was a very awesome experience butttttt i feel like it didn't really get to me as i was expecting..... hmmm

    highlights: IN THE NAME OF LOVE, MEGURI, unEpilogue JUBILEE, Eve, himitsu


    listened on 09.sep.23, published 15.sep.23

    放課後の芸術部 - kinoue64

    type: album

    genres: shoegaze, indie rock

    date released: 8 september 2023

    the excitement i got when i saw that kinoue64 released a new album i saw yesterday that he was going to release an album but i didn't know it was going to be today!!

    i did enjoy this a normal amount! its pretty much more mikugaze, which i always welcome to my playlists with open arms. but its not something we haven't heard from him.

    i do think that this album has a bit more of a indie rock edge to it than previous releases.

    as i said before, i found most songs to be pretty enjoyable to listen to. i love kinoue64's music and style afterall. but there were only a few ones like 焦燥, and 放課後の芸術部 that Really caught my attention as i was listening. but damn, are they pretty good as well!!

    i love love love how 吐く sounds and it is another highlight of this album for me. but i couldnt help but feel a bit disappointed by its short track time and it feels more like a short snippet / demo of a song rather than a full one. i really like it nonetheless but i wish there was more to this one!

    this release as a whole will probably grow on me the more i revisit and listen to it. but for now those are my thoughts. a pretty enjoyable but okay kinoue64 release. still, i'm glad we got a new album from one of my favorite producers. enjoy some mikugaze everyone!

    highlights: 焦燥, 放課後の芸術部, 言葉, 吐く


    listened on 08.sep.23

    internet yamero - aiobahn, kotoko, nyalra

    type: video game ost... single?

    genres: danpa, hardstyle, synthpop

    date released: 17 march 2023

    a remake from the 2021 song internet overdose! i actually bought the game this is from a few months ago and it was pretty fun! but since this is a remake, i never knew it existed til a few days ago when it randomly appeared on my spotify recommended. and just wow?!?!?

    honestly i am pretty surprised that i like this bc i feel like normally i wouldn't be into this. i think its pretty clever given the plot of the game with the cutesy :3 style and then switching it up to the hardstyle. and its very fun as well. pleasant surprise!!! def way better than the original theme.

    i kind of have it on repeat now, this is very addictive LOL


    listened on 04.sep.23

    inferno - yeule

    type: single

    genres: glitch pop, ambient house

    date released: 31 august 2023

    what a beautiful song this is. i love the intro a whole lot! the strings with the glitched out vocals... just *kisses*

    seriously need this album right now!!!! i think im gonna love it just as much as i've loved all the singles that yeule has put out so far. GAHHH so gorgeous. i really cant wait for the full album


    listened on 02.sep.23

    some great stuff coming in this month!!!!! holy moly im so excited

    posted on 01.sep.23