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des' microblog. made for smaller thoughts i want to share.

credit: body bg from Quino Al on Unsplash / windows XP icons / font used is mononoki

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25.mar.25 - 10am sick once again... not sure with what but it has lasted for more than a week. i can barely talk right now bc i had to go to work anymore and the talking kinda fucked up my throat. sigh... i wish i didn't get sick so frequently. i was not like this pre covid.

16.mar.25 - 1am went to an art exhibition yesterday for the first time ever. that was pretty cool.

08.mar.25 - 7pm i do doodles of cats on my calculus notebook everytime i get something right without following the professor

07.mar.25 - 10pm i need to get braver.

24.feb.25 - 10pm students from the computer science department have been doing some activities and today they talked about text editors. given a lot of people were already familiar with VSC we voted on trying out neovim. and man What The Fuck. like yes, i am intrigued but WHAT THE FUCK? how to people use this for coding i feel like i would kill myself if i ever tried to use neovim as my main text editor for coding. i can sort of see it as note-taking software tho. which brings me to share one of my favorite youtube videos ever

23.feb.25 - 5pm this month will probably be first time ever i skip a month in my journal page! i have 2 exams at the end of this week (for my calculus 1 and intro to programming classes!) so it's very likely i won't be doing any logs for february. i've been doing monthly journal logs here since... april 2023. kinda crazy tbh! during the early stages of my site, i kinda just talked about whatever there. nowadays i try for my journal logs to be more... thoughtful i guess. atm i don't really have much to talk about. uni has kept me busy but i also appreciate it for that. guys i kinda love studying i'm not gonna lie. i'm lowkey unemployed. i still have my job! but i barely get any shifts, and the shift that i end up getting conflict with my uni classes... idk man shits kinda frustrating sometimes but everything else has been pretty okay.

i did some calculus exercises yesterday and i got them all right. it made me shout YES!!! and jump out of joy from my desk. that little moment reminded me of this page from pluto22 called pretty things. life really is all about small moments like that. i love visiting that page every once in a while.

16.feb.25 - 11am my girlfriend got me the same valentine's day card that i got her... so cute. i love her so much!

13.feb.25 - 10am something that i failed to mention on my last log was that my site having such a reach also means that it will inevitably get to places outside of its target. scary places. it is the internet after all and everyone does have access to it. but with this said, the positives will always outweigh the negatives. i will continue to have fun and silly and be me on the internet no matter what

02.feb.25 - 12pm i clicked on a random youtube video about the indie web and to my surprise my website was mentioned in it! it kinda takes me aback the reach my personal site has had. from people telling me they love the look, to just saying how they relate to the things i write in here. i am very grateful. i recently reached 1000 followers on neocities. that is a crazy number to me. i never thought my site would reach as many people as it has when i first created it. its pretty heartwarming to see something i created for myself to be so recognized and enjoyed by others.

29.jan.25 - 4pm the students of the university of puerto rico (the only public university here) organized a walk today protesting the (soon to be?) closure of 64 programs across all campuses and i was able to participate. my feet are dead but it was a very cool experience. i took some pics of the event and posters i saw.

25.jan.25 - 1pm this C++ shit is scary bro

22.jan.25 - 5pm when i mention the horrors i am talking about the political horrors happening in the US btw. which will inevitably affect PR. specially with our stupid ass governor.... wanting to make a statue of trump here... i need a lot specific people to die so i can be at peace.

21.jan.25 - 4pm first day of 2nd year of uni was very nice despite the horrors. there's something about studying again that does make me want to work on my website more compared to when i was in winter break... it's probably just that i really wanted to play video games and chill during my break

16.jan.25 - 4pm i would love to get into those hobonichi planners but like.... will it be any different from my normal ass planner... no... do i still want one... yes...

06.jan.25 - 3pm might do another rework of my homepage + the music index too. for my homepage, it feels a bit cluttered tbh and there's just some sections that i don't really use or are a bit unnecesary. i would also like to decorate it a bit more. we will see.

27.dec.24 - 11pm man i got sick again what in the GODDAMN???? i've gotten sick 3 times in the past 2 months... jesus. i used to get sick like every 3 years and now its 2 times or more every year.

25.dec.24 - 9pm it did not work... sigh... will be returning the wired controller soon. i'm gonna have to save up a bit before i can send it away...

25.dec.24 - 12am the wired PS4 controller i bought through ebay arrived today so i will find out if i have a chance to use my PS4 without spending more than $100+ to fix it TODAY!

21.dec.24 - 8pm i find it kinda sad that haven't been able to really do much with my listening log this year. i overall don't really mind that anything that i do on this website requires a lot of time to format since this this all raw HTML. but there was something i wish i could change that with, it would probably be with my listening log. i wish it was easier to log stuff in there now that i am pretty busy with my life. i don't know if i should let go of the high standars that i hold my listening log to (write extensive paragraphs as to why i liked something) or just go with a more casual mindset of just highlights and a sentence or 2 of what i liked. but idk. honestly i just wish i had a bit more of time for music in general. i miss listening to lots of new stuff on a monthly basis. maybe that should be a goal of mine for next year. get in the groove of listening to more new music. i'll probably change the listening log to be a yearly page instead of doing it by seasons

11.dec.24 - 5pm today was my last day of classes for this semester! the time passed by pretty quickly this time. i've been trying to revive my PS4 these days. will probably write a log about that soon. jesus christ.

04.dec.24 - 2am i've been feeling so drained lately. i wonder if it's the mental illnesstm. talking with new people and just overall interacting with others has felt more exhausting than ever before as of late. i wish i could interact with people as easily as others can. i've been feeling so strange lately. i really wonder why its so difficult for me to do such a simple thing.

28.nov.24 - 2am one day i will learn about how to add pagination to things. but that day is not today. if i ever learn it though, i will be implementing it to this very page.

24.nov.24 - 12am i'm so excited for billlie's concert!!!! i'm gonna be bringing my 3DS so i won't be bored while waiting for the doors to open + i wanna record a bit of the concert with it.

17.nov.24 i've been so busy lately but i can't wait to talk about my new kitten, steve minecraft, in a future journal log !! now i have 2 sons.

06.nov.24 - 1am good news: i replaced my laptop's fans and now they are working perfectly bad news: the US and PR elections. double whammy. i am coping with webfishing.

01.nov.24 - 12am scary github...

30.oct.24 - 5pm there was a comic book fair at my uni and lots of artists had tables so i kind of did a bit of a haul! links to artists: skullcrabs, pyoint, camille reck i'm missing two artists but i forgot to get their socials SORRY...

30.oct.24 - 12am woke up today to a laggy af laptop and when i restart it i get an error that my FANS are not working properly...... opened my laptop up, 1 out of the 2 fans was so so so dusty... i cleaned it up, plug it out and in but it doesn't spin while the other one does. ordered some replacement fans which i hope will fix the fans issue. and i also found out that my laptop was being super slow because the CPU was capping itself at 0.20 ghz... i'm guessing it somehow knows theres an issue with the fans and it's capping itself on purpose so it doesn't get cooked. the weird thing is that my laptop has been WAYYY hotter before and the CPU has never capped itself. but i guess this is a bit different? this laptop was pretty expensive ($1k, for my standards) and its about to be 3 years old next march so i feel like if it kicks the bucket this early, i might actually sob i have an external mini fan blowing cool air to the back of the laptop and the CPU hasn't capped itself yet. so at least i know it is related to the fans.

27.oct.24 - 10pm okay i drew for a little bit but the entire time i kept feeling like it was a waste of my time... sign... maybe i gotta try other methods of drawing

27.oct.24 - 1pm i need to keep drawing

25.oct.24 - 10pm recently bought some wireless headphones so i could upgrade from the $8 earbuds that i use on a daily basis and i am so obsessed with them!!! i got a JBL tune 720bt and i honestly recommend them if you want some quality and comfy bluetooth headphones. the color is my absolute favorite and i also adore that it comes with an aux cord so you can still use it with things that don't have bluetooth.

18.oct.24 - 1pm it makes me feel like a genius whenever i use whatever i've learned for python in my compsci class and apply it to my site's javascript.

09.oct.24 - 11am still waiting for look back to get screenings in my theater... but other than that, i've been doing just fine! not much happening atm. i've been working on my fashion page and i love how it's looking so far! here's a sneak peek

14.sep.24 - 1am if look back won't be screening in my country, i think i will kill myself.

10.sep.24 - 7pm i have a tiny plot in front of my apartment and today i bought some plants for it!

08.sep.24 - 12am me and my mom always find a way to talk about my grandma. we joke about the things she would say to us if she was still here. we really miss her. i really miss her.

06.sep.24 - 2pm i'm so excited to play cato !!!

06.sep.24 - 12pm thank you to my neighbor for giving me her wifi password now doing web stuff won't be as annoying.

30.aug.24 - 3pm - just added a new featured song n album to my music page! i really miss doing those in-depth or at least somewhat logs of new albums and EPs i'd listen to for my listening log :( there's a lot of things i'm not able to spend that much time on because you know. i have a life now. but listening to new music and being able to extensively talk about it is something that i really miss from my days of unlimited free time. i also wish it didn't take me so long to write coherent paragraphs. i'm very insecure about my writing.

29.aug.24 - 12am been learning a bit more and more about python as i go to my compsci class. very basic stuff though. learned how to use my terminal to do python too. not really sure how ppl would prefer (or how it is more convenient?) to code something on a terminal instead of an editor but idk! prof also showed us an online compiler we can use, though i think i will stick to my buddy brackets as an editor and use my git bash to display the output.

which btw, talking about my terminal... i was wondering if there was a way to customize a bit more in-depth how terminals look and it finds out that there actually is a way of doing it! i downloaded oh my posh and it works wonderfully on my git bash. i will admit it took me a good second to understand how to set it up but i think it was relatively easy.

25.aug.24 - 9pm i've noticed my chatbox and overall site followers has had some sort of influx lately and i was like woah i wonder where all of these ppl are coming from, and then when i click on the websites tab on neocities i am the very 3rd site in there (well used to be cus it updated) but either way that makes a lot of sense.

09.aug.24 - 11pm the start of my 2nd semester @ uni is getting near! i will be taking 2 classes: introduction to computer science and precalculus 2. i am overall pretty excited, especially bc i'll be taking my first compsci class! of course, i'm also a bit nervous... but i know i'll be okay. i miss using the train.

04.aug.24 - 10pm i kinda wanna redo my homepage so i've been working on that, but i'm not sure what exactly to do with it!! i know i would like to make it a bit lighter for those with slow connections (like me) and i wanna move my fanlistings and webrings into a separate page too. i might go for something a bit more minimalist? not sure but i would also like to mess around with colors and have different themes for it. we will see!

31.jul.24 - 3pm did a bit of javascript stuff today! learned how to use localStorage and implemented it on my blog for the light / dark theme switcher. took me a bit bc the result would end up being null if it was your first time visiting that page so i just simply did a if null do "light theme" and it worked so that's going to be like that until i can learn to do it another way. i also figured i could rewrite the random music ad script on my music page in a more coherent and efficent way than the one shown from the template i took.

29.jul.24 - 6pm personally i think retail / customer service should be mandatory for everyone so people KNOW what its like.

27.jul.24 i don't think i am strong enough to listen to every homestuck soundtrack volume but oh my god.... some of these songs are STILL so fucking good.... i might talk about my favorite ones one day in my music page. tears in my eyes listening to some of these. also, the music page lowkey needs a rework... i still like the theme but i need to make into a grid instead of using inline-blocks

23.jul.24 - 1pm after fighting for my life for the past 3 months filling out job applications i finally got a job!!!!! jesus, it was about damn time!!! i'm very happy because i really needed this. who doesn't in this economy... i hope i'll do good here :) i'll be getting some celebratory ice cream tomorrow emoji

20.jul.24 - 11am nothing fills me with more hatred and anger for this government than waking up without power on the sunniest day ever. need a lot of people to rot in hell right now.

17.jul.24 - 1am walked for 4 miles yesterday! i need to get myself some nice walking sneakers because all i got are vans and now my feet kinda hurt like crazyyy. but i'm glad i was able to to that! i hope to do it more frequently since i don't have much to do these day. saw some very pretty flowers.

10.jul.24 - 10am recently downloaded WACUP after itunes pissing me off so many times asking me to log in every 30 mins... anyways, my music player is looking sick AF

08.jul.24 - 7pm just messed aroung a little bit with eleventy for a bit thanks to this guide by i can see it coming in pretty handy for some cases, but i think as mentioned in the guide! i won't be getting much use of it since i like to add minor decorations and such to pages where i could use it like my gaming log, blog, and journal. but either way it's cool that i learned something new.

08.jul.24 - 12pm wishing more sites i liked had an RSS feed i could subscribe to... i'm thinking of doing a tutorial of sorts though i just made one yesterday

07.jul.24 - 4am caught up with csm... fujimoto you are going to hell 😂

07.jul.24 - 2am wow adding a RSS feed for my website's updates was so easy... wish i had done this sooner LOL. also maxxxine was kinda just okay. awks

05.jul.24 - 2am possible rework of my journal page might be incoming.... kinda want a change of scenery! also, i will be watching maxxxine later today!!! very excited to see how this trilogy is going to conclude...

02.jul.24 - 4pm this is as good as life gets

25.jun.24 - 11pm washing machines that lock their lids should not exist. also i kinda have my halloween outfit ready... he he he

19.jun.24 - 11pm installed ruby and i've been messing with the neocities CLI. this shit is crazy. it does the job without me having to use github so there's that. but using a different terminal rather than git bash is a very minor annoyance. been also trying to create a git hook as shown here but i can't exactly get it to work. argggg. another day then.

19.jun.24 - 7pm the neocities profile red notification really only be working whenever the fuck it wants.

19.jun.24 - 12am find it a bit funny how i be writing these during literally 12 - 1am but anyways. spent a good chuck of yesterday trying to figure out git bash and you know what? this is actually pretty simple LOL... and it has been pretty useful too compared to github desktop! so i'm glad i finally understand that.

15.jun.24 - 1pm made some media log pages because notion is barely usable for meee. i think having them here will be better.

13.jun.24 - 1am: i went to goodwill the other day and i bought 1) the least (sarcasm) outdated book on how to make a website published in 2004 and 2) a guide to cats published in 1983.

12.jun.24 - 1am: javascript be kicking my ass but i am slowly learning things I THINK!

10.jun.24 - 12am: my mom in her knitting phase so she made me some slippers. they are so warm and soft!

09.jun.24 - 12am: i've had this page on my draft for like 2 months or something! i thought about using it for my fc2 microblog but i've kind of just stopped using that... i want something simple so i can update it though the github app on my phone so i think this will do!

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