my new furry friend: steve23.nov.24 
i recently got a new cat!!! he is a 1 month old kitten and his name is steve minecraft :3
for a while i've been thinking a lot about getting a cat. living alone is awesome, but i feel like i tend to get a bit lonely here and would love the company of a creature here. i never did anything about though because i knew having a cat would take a toll on my budget + my (somewhat) freedom to travel for long periods. but so i just kept it in pending on my mind in the meantime.
one day a friend rescued a kitten off the street and was looking for someone to take the cat. i thought about it A LOT for a good hour and decided to tell her that would take the cat! initially i was very anxious when i took steve home. all my life i have grown up with cats so i am very aware of how they are. but it was starting to set in that i now have a new responsibility in my life. to take care of this little cat. and that was a bit scary for me! i don't have someone in my home that can feed him if i ever get home late. it's literally just me and steve against the world here. but after 2 days with him i started to believe more in myself.
before having steve, i've only had another kitten in my life: my dear and precious mizu, though i quite honestly didn't remember what having him was like since i was 10 years old at the time. the first night i spent with steve i made the HUGE mistake of letting him sleep in my room. i've noticed that he likes to sleep for 3 hours and then play for like 2 hours. rinse and repeat. i slept 3 hours that night he doesn't even meow a lot, but he was running around everywhere and even wanted to sleep with me on my bed!!! it was only his first night here, so with having less than a day of litter box training i was not gonna go through the risk of letting him sleep on my bed. sorry steve!
going forward i've been putting steve (alongside all of his things, of course) in my small bathroom with a little night light on whenever it's time for me to go to bed so i can get my 8 hours of sleep. i still can't believe he doesn't even meow every time i put him in the bathroom. i give him a little kiss on the forehead, tell him goodnight, close the door, and he just stays there without saying a word. i thank god every day for this.
during the day, i take him out to my room and let him there when i'm out of my apartment. he learned very quickly to use the litter box which is another thing i'm super thankful for. one day he peed on my bed but i think that was on me because (i was a bit lazy that day) his litter box was still in the bathroom so he probably didn't see it right away and decided to do it on my bed. but other than that, he hasn't done anything outside of it!
i've also noticed that he doesn't really meow or get nervous when i drive him somewhere. which is an absolute first for me. all of my cats have always hated car rides. i first noticed this when bringing him home for the first time and taking him to the vet. during the car rides and in the waiting room he was very quiet. i think he was mostly sleeping. i tested this out again by taking him with me to the pet shop in his cat carrier bag so i could buy him some toys, and he was also very chill about it! it surprised me a lot because there were a couple of dogs around and i am sure steve saw them.
yesterday, i took him to my girlfriend's apartment. he mostly spent it playing with me and sleeping. i'm glad he doesn't seem to mind me taking him to places. i think it's good for him to not associate car rides with vet visits. whenever i take him out i'm always carrying those dog training pads, baby wipes, and baggies. the vet visit was the longest he has been outside of my apartment and at some point he did poop and peed on the carrier. but i am very smart so it already had a pad incase something like that happened. and it was soooo easy to deal with it too.
from everything that i've said, steve might appear like a very calm kitty, but he is actually SO hyper and active whenever i am with him in my room. i have a little string, a kick toy, and a bowl scratcher for him. i tend to sit on the floor and play with him sometimes. but most of the time i am sitting on my desk while he is doing laps and jumping around my room.
this past week i've been feeling more tired than usual (maybe its something in the air) so i just lie on my bed to watch something or take a quick nap. steve will either start jumping me like if i were some obstacle course or join me in for a nap as well. there is no in between.
but yeah :) i hope to take very good care of him. everyone say welcome home steve minecraft.
laptop CPU fan jumpscare
i was going to make a separate log for this but recently my laptop's CPU fan stopped working (i was getting the system fan 90b error upon startup) and i could not use my laptop for intense things for like a week or else the CPU would start throttling. i opened my laptop up for the first time and that CPU fan was so fucking dusty i cleaned it but it didn't fix anything. before officially freaking out, i managed to get the fan model and buy a replacement on ebay. i replaced them all by myself and now i have a functioning CPU fan again. YAY! but that was very scary. i bought this laptop 3 years ago with my savings and if something were to happen to it i would be devastated for a while. so i'm very happy i managed to fix that by myself.
in other news... i don't think i will be active these coming weeks because of finals and stuff... (that is probably what's in the air LMAO)