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gardening era14.sep.24 sunny

the other day i went to home depot and i got out of there with 3 plants and some other gardening stuff!

i think i have mentioned this before, but my apartment has a little plot with a bit of soil. ever since i moved here i've been meaning to do something with it because it would always get filled with weeds. while i figured what i wanted to do with this little plot, i cleaned it up one day and just put some rocks there so the weeds would have a bit of trouble growing in between them. and also so the stray cats don't use it as a litter box.........

before and after!

i wanted to wait a tiny bit while i had a bit more of money to spare before going plant shopping, and finally that day arrived!

i bought 3 plants literally based on how cute or useful i found them. i know i should have done my research before getting them, but that was a task for future me. not at-home-depot-looking-for-pretty-plants me. i had to use plantnet so i could identify them! the pots they were in weren't very specific with the info. i made sure to pick the plants that were in the full sun section. they have partial shade where i planted them but i wanted to make sure they could handle a bit of sun! i am just now researching all of this so if you have any tips or have something wrong then do let me know!

bronze leaf wax begonia

wax begonia in a white pot

i was scared to pick anything with a lot of flowers because i'm still learning how to take care of plants so i let myself to pick this one! there were a lot of plants with nice flowers and they were all super pretty but this one caught my attention the most! i think the colors of the leaves and just their look overall really caught my attention and set them apart from the rest of the flowers on display. i also love the texture of the leaves. it's kinda soft and it seems slimy even though it isn't??? it's a bit difficult to explain it. WAIT. it's like wax..................... it's like touching wax

since this one was my dedicated flower plant i bought a separate pot (that plastic white one in the picture!) so i could move it around if i need to. you can tell this is my high priority plant.

as for care: i've read so far that they don't need constant water since the leaves and stems are like that of a succulent (which actually makes sense when i was trying to describe their texture LSKJF) so in really rainy days i need to remember to bring them inside to avoid over watering them.

reference links: wax begonia care, bronze leaf wax begonia


wax begonia in a white pot

the bright colors of the leaves of this one were so striking to me! i loved this one a lot. this one is known colloquially as verguenza which translates to "embarrassment" from spanish. i asked my mom (who told me this bit of info) why it would be call that. she guessed that it might be because people tend to turn red when they get embarrassed. if that why it's called that here, then i think that's really cute.

as for care: i've seen from various sites that this plant grows best in shade but can handle (and it's also good for their growing) a bit of sun. i did see that this plant is toxic to humans and pets if consumed. they also like their soil moist most of the time so i will have to keep an eye out for them during a really sunny week.

reference links: coleus, coleus care


wax begonia in a white pot

this one is known as trinitaria in here. i don't know why. i mainly picked this one because of its thorns in the stems so i can, again, keep the cats away from shitting in my GARDEN! and i also do think they are pretty cute. while searching for them i found out they are also known as paperflower... like c'mon that's adorable. and it makes a lot of sense! i've always found their flowers a bit peculiar.

i am pretty sure that out of all these plants, this one is going to be the one that i least have to worry about. can take a lot of sun and can be watered infrequently.

reference links: bougavillea


i also bought these seeds for these small flowers. my plan was to just throw them around the plot and let them grow however they want but the seeds packets didn't even have that many inside for the entire plot! anyways, i didn't expect them to grow so quickly, but you can already see the sprouts growing. next time i go to home depot i might get more seeds. maybe even put them in a separate pot, even. i'd love to just have the seeds spread around without the rocks in between them but then again... the cats!!!!

sprouts growing in between the rocks sprouts growing in between the rocks
alyssum sprouts growing in between the rocks

i also bought a bit of food for the plants. its a little thing i shake every 3 months or so. though i do think this soil is gonna be okay for them. given how fast weeds grow in there.

my little garden plot
my sweet garden

the decorations were given to me by my mom as a gift!! they are very cute. you can't see it in the picture above but i also have a little solar garden lamp hanging there. i love my little garden very much! i hope i can take good care of them.

so fucking tired
the queen's gambit

from brackets to VSC01.sep.24

after coding for so long with brackets, i have been making the move to visual studio code... brackets... my sweetie pie... i will forever miss you. but sadly, the live preview of brackets has been really buggy as of late. i downloaded VSC for computer class since it makes python wayyy easier than brackets, so i've been getting more comfortable with using VSC. like don't get me wrong, VSC has a Lot of great things. i really like the feature where you can hover over a property or a tag and it will give you a brief definition of it. it has a TON of settings. i think i spent like 2 hours going through the settings. but i think despite all of this, i will still miss the simplicity of brackets. and also, VSC just feels a bit laggy... though i might have to change some settings so it performs a bit better.

i think i need a better theme though.

small life update

anyway, besides all of that nerd talk, i've been pretty okay! i haven't been that Busy but i am still quite busy, you know? all in all, not much has been happening. uni is pretty chill. work is pretty chill, still tiring though. i bough a new desk for my room because my god. is it so fucking hot on my living room... decided to get one for my room which has an AC. i think best $40 i've ever spent.

there's still a lot of things that i wanna do with my site but i just haven't really found the time to able to really work on them. and i'm also still working on my siinamota fansite which i started right when classes ended last semester but Man. if you look at my notion (where all of the info for the fansite is at) it might not look like much but creating the fansite with pure HTML and CSS has def been a big project!

yukika passport template

OH AND TALKING ABOUT PROJECTS: i had expressed last year that i wanted to re-create a previous carrd layout i once had but in HTML. well... i actually did that during the summer break! i wanted to create a template based on this adorable "passport" inclusion from yukika's soul lady album.

scans of the actual passport

working on the template with just HTML, CSS, and JS was SOOOO much fun!!!! i got to learn a bit more about CSS animations which was a bit tricky at first but at least i know a little bit now. my goal was to make do like a page flip but at the end i kinda gave up on that goal LOL... maybe someday though! i still wanna do more with it but i'm happy with what i managed to accomplish with it! you can see the template for yourself here and the template is free to use on github if you wanna use it!

on another note: i've been getting a lot of new messages lately and i feel a bit silly saying just thank you to each of you but i really appreciate all the small and big messages i've been getting as of late even if i don't reply to them right away. i'm always so happy whenever someone tells me they got inspired to code because of my site. i'm really happy others are taking on this journey as well! it also brings me to tears when i read that people resonate with the things that my site has, specially about my grandma yall have been very sweet and i am very happy i got to share my memory of her here. so... thank you!

hope everyone is having a nice day / night.

goodnight gif
ska cha cha by hideki naganuma
tired. as always.
grace & frankie S7
style savvy: styling star