storm update + compsci class22.aug.24 
as an update to my previous log, luckily the storm didn't do much to my area. which i am very grateful for. the power didn't even go out! which was a complete surprise for me. because you know what? i am currently typing this with no electricity in my apartment. you truly never know in here. thank you to the people who sent me messages wanting me to stay safe. funnily enough, the same day the storm passed i had a shift at work and the store wasn't closed? which is so crazy to me. despite having to work, it was pretty chill because there was almost no customers at all in the store and because of that i got to do my favorite thing in the world of retail: shelving and organizing merchandise. not a single customer talked to me that day. i was really living the dream.
after uni classes getting delayed because the storm: this week i started my august semester at uni with precalculus 2 and introduction to computer science.
of course, my compsci class is the one that i've been the most excited about! i think over the past year i have been working towards this very moment. my very first compsci class after taking an interest in it. i've only taken 2 classes, but so far i really like the professor's vibe. which personally, i think it is like top 3 most important things about a uni class ever. so far i've been pretty lucky with my professors, to be fair. but ANYWAY, my compsci professor actually takes his dog to class. EVERY class. and i find that so charming. he just lets him hang around the classroom. during the first 10 minutes, he just goes around sniffing people and then the rest of the class he just sleeps. the wonders of being a dog.

besides the cool af dog, i do like the dynamic of his class so far. the programming language we are gonna work is python, which i have 0 experience with but that's okay because i am here to learn today he went over the most basics of things like what a variable is, how to assign it Something, how to make a list, how to access an element in the list using an index numbers.
now, i might know nothing about python, but i kind of already know (at least surface level) about these things thanks to javascript. it's pretty neat that my self-learning of javascript will actually help me out a bit on my compsci class so i won't be completely lost, or overwhelmed. at least the first month. he also asked if anyone had experience using the terminal and i was the only one who raised their hand during our first day we also got to introduce ourselves so people already know that i am taking that class because it interested me while learning how to code web pages. so when i raised my hand for the terminal question, he asked if it was for the HTML i've been doing and i was like yeah... idk why but i feel a bit embarrassed showing that i already know how some of this stuff works. but you know what? it also feels nice :) but not in a
HA, i know more than you!
type way. but like i said before, it's nice that i'm already a bit familiarized with these things. it's like me studying google maps before driving to a new place. it's just nice to have that.
in other news: yesterday i went to watch coraline in theaters in 3D because it was it's 15th anniversary! it was honestly a magical experience to experience this movie in 3D. i just wish we had gotten better seats bc we had to sit pretty close to the screen and we were a bit to the side so my neck was killing me for a little bit, but i still think it was mega worth it.
i also got my first streetpass tag since i revived my 3DS this june. so thank you Ed for being my first streetpass since then! i hope i get more streetpasses around uni.